
Friday, August 19, 2011

Effective Presentation: A tool to create opportunities for your business

In the modern day world, things turn right only if they are presented in a way that is convincing to the masses. Therefore, in a Sales/ Marketing presentation, it is important for you to bring the prospect/ group behind you as your follower. You can only do it when you yourself trust the benefits of your offering and believe in your product/service. Your confidence and body language can transform your words into facts. Here is a checklist for you to look into before you get into a Sales or Marketing meeting/ presentation:-

5 tips for effective presentation:-

  1. Body language should reflect confidence- Though you might be having butterflies in your stomach while you start a presentation but it’s important to ease yourself soon so that your face and body shows confidence. Your prospect will be convinced only if they see you confident for what you speak. Be enthusiastic and transfer your enthusiasm to the individuals in the room.
  1. Create a friendly environment- Try to be as interactive as possible and customize your speech to answer the unique requirements of your clients and prospects. Be animated and caring and avoid reading directly from your slides (if you have prepared any).
  1. Keep it simple- Keep your presentation simple and sell opportunities and benefits to prospects to engage; be direct to the point and avoid using jargons and marketing theories. Mention the most important benefit at the start and continue in descending order of importance.
  1. Objective to close- Your objective at every presentation should be to convince the people around you to either close the deal or take it to the next level. You should be concluding by offering a solution or a mention of the benefit your prospect will receive as a result of buying your product or service ensuring that they do not have any doubts on it.
  1. Provide examples and live cases- Make sure that your presentation should be supported by live cases and examples. This will allow your audience to relate to their problems with the people of the same background and understand the way your solution and service can help in solving it.

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